Just starting away from what the GDPR LAW is all about "the legislation aimed at giving the end customer the right to control their data GDPR -general data protection regulation,this law was approved in April 2016.this aimed in standardizing the rules across the EU region(European union).
The jest of the purpose will be better understand with a eg:- suppose if you create a social media account and delete it at your end, the company would be having your details forever but with coming up of this law you may apply the "right to be forgotten".simply it provides data portability.any data breaches will now have to be reported to the concerned authorities
Within 72 hours of company becoming aware of it.
✓ importance of GDPR........
This thingy will understand most out of which was the above eg I gave , but in just a brief of it... As follows
∆ give consumers an online sense of safety and privacy of information....
∆ regulation which will and is affecting the company end and consumer end buisness
∆ a new law in favour of all.
∆ privacy policy must have be changed affecting the world wide interface.....
Steps to take care of when you develop any software applications to protect the data and adhere to GDPR regulations :-
#get informed consent:-
In order to process the data, it will be necessary to obtain consent from users in advance. The consent should indicate, how the information will be processed,
#confirmation of information protection:-
The information, including names, emails, and addresses, was stored as plain text which allowed anyone to track the would-be cheaters. This negligence resulted in a wave of blackmail, ruined careers, and broken marriages. The website owners had to pay over $11 million to settle ensuing lawsuits.
#minimize personal data:-
Use of personal data must be reduced to the minimum sufficient level to achieve the goal of processing. Minimize user identification wherever it is possible. Embed the function of deleting unnecessary and used data.
This step will not only protect the privacy of users, it will save you from a headache in case of a hacker attack on the app. You won’t have to notify the authorities and subjects of personal data about the data breach or pay a huge penalty for negligent attitude to the rule of data minimization.
#implement information security measures:-
The regulation has penalty charges for information leakage. From now on companies will not only pay for hacker attacks with their reputation but will be subject to serious fines. In other words, companies will have to pay for inadequate care for the privacy, integrity, and accessibility of users’ personal data.
Image courtesy:-google images
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