GDPR LAW... Just starting away from what the GDPR LAW is all about "the legislation aimed at giving the end customer the right to control their data GDPR -general data protection regulation,this law was approved in April 2016.this aimed in standardizing the rules across the EU region(European union). The jest of the purpose will be better understand with a eg:- suppose if you create a social media account and delete it at your end, the company would be having your details forever but with coming up of this law you may apply the "right to be forgotten".simply it provides data portability.any data breaches will now have to be reported to the concerned authorities Within 72 hours of company becoming aware of it. ✓ importance of GDPR........ This thingy will understand most out of which was the above eg I gave , but in just a brief of it... As follows ∆ give consumers an online sense of safety and privacy of information.... ∆ regulation which wi...
Showing posts from January, 2020